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Male, 34 years, born on 16 June 1990

Not looking for a job

Moscow, metro station Otradnoe, willing to relocate (Australia, Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Israel, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Kaliningrad, Canada, Cyprus, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Moscow, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, UAE, USA, Singapore, Taiwan, Ufa, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland, Japan), prepared for business trips

Analyst, Consult

  • Analyst

Employment: full time, part time, project work, volunteering, work placement

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 14 years 1 month

October 2014currently
10 years 7 months

Russia, www.deloitte.ru

Business Services... Show more

Assistant 2, expert at the audit department (consumer industrial products)
Participate in preparation of financial statements in conformity with Russian and International Accounting Standards, working on capital requirements analyses as well as having an opportunity to work in conjunction with Deloitte Global offices on international clients Work as a part of a team on checking client’s financials and providing client focused services Interact with the host of clients on daily basis. Participation in audits of large enterprises (industry, services, etc.), carry out audit department (IFRS, RAS financials). Conducting audits and inspections, independent monitoring of the annual inventory. Verification of compliance of the structural units of the requirements of the legislation, internal regulations. Participation in the development of recommendations for the introduction of new and adjusting existing control procedures for business processes. Assistance in the preparation of materials in the provision of consulting services. Preparation of recommendations on issues that were performed during the audit. The study and practical application of federal and intrafirm auditing standards. Preparing and writing reports, working papers.
October 2013May 2014
8 months
GE Money Bank, Closed JSC

Kazan, www.gemoney.ru

Financial Sector... Show more

Sales & Service Specialist
Responsibilities: - consulting of clients across the spectrum of banking services - presentations of banking services - detailed consulting of clients on all banking products and services - initial assessment of the creditworthiness of potential borrowers - express processing of bank's products for clients - implementation of cross-selling to customers - active involvement of customers
November 2012May 2013
7 months
Nefis Cosmetics, JSC

Kazan, www.nefco.ru/

FMCG (non-edible)... Show more

Junior Key Account Manager (JKAM), Acting Key Account Manager (KAM - Retail Network "Auchan")
Duties, functions: -planning and analysis of sales in trade networks; -planning and control of the product line and listing of new products in the network; -planning and control of marketing activities and budget for networks; -monitoring of prices and range in retail networks; -improvement in the representation of production in networks (proportion, assortment prices); -reception / transmission of financial, shipping and other documents; -receivable control and timeliness of payments; -communication with distribution centers and control of the commodity rests; -implementation of communication and interaction with the central office of network; -business trips to the central office for presentations of new products; -preparation and defense of reporting -control of activities and training of regional structure; Skills and achievements: Experienced PC user - Internet, MS Office (Excel, Word, Power Point); sociability, resistance to constant stress, organizational skills, high level of oral and written language, analytical skills, ability to work in multi-tasking, experience in sales to key account. Increase of assortment matrix of network (Auchan) in the category household chemicals, increase sales of network clients (Auchan, Atak), established communication with all Decision makers of network clients; business trips to the central office network for presentations and negotiations in order to rotation of products; business trips to distribution centers in order to improve logistics, inventory increase, as well as the acceptance of the products in a number of force majeure circumstances.
June 2012August 2012
3 months
Broker Finance, LLC

Kazan, brokerf.ru/

Business Services... Show more

Specialist in Department of business plan development
Advising customers on the development of a business plan and the formation for financial model of the project; Development of business plans and advising customers on all the documentation necessary to obtain financing in the programs of state support for small and medium businesses; Accompanying the client to obtain financing in the programs of state support for small and medium businesses.
April 2012June 2012
3 months
Special Equipment Market, LLC

Kazan, som.kom.su/

Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more

Sales Manager
Working with the existing customer base, and its extension. Sending requests, exhibiting commercial offerings. Negotiations at the level of decision-makers. Determining the needs of customers, preparation of proposals.
March 2012May 2012
3 months
Tatar branch of VTB Bank, JSC

Kazan, www.vtb.ru/

Financial Sector... Show more

Practice in group of analysis and planning. Study of all aspects of Bank's operations. Analysis of the financial condition of major competitors, information gathering, tabulation comparison of competitive products.
March 2010November 2011
1 year 9 months
Youth Business Club "Navigator", nonprofit organization

Kazan, mbkn.ru/,https://www.facebook.com/mbknru

Public Activity, Political Parties, Volunteering, Non-Profit Organizations... Show more

Head of direction
Direction "Debate",responsible for the organization and development of parliamentary debates in KSFEI, as well as within the framework of interuniversity cooperation in Kazan. Conducted Parliamentary Debate Tournament of KSFEI in 2010. Involved in conducting third Urban Debate Tournament of Kazan (2011). Main activity: recruitment of new members, organization (including preparation of the script of event) and carrying out of competitions, coaching activities, conducting master classes on public speaking.


Skill proficiency levels
Medium level
MS Excel
Level not specified
Business Planning
Communication skills
MS Office
MS Outlook
Organisational skills
Presentation skills
Selling skills
Сost price analysis

About me

Communicate with people, counseling, to delve into the issues and find creative approach to solving them. Basic knowledge of accounting and taxation, marketing; Excellent communication skills; High level of oral and written language; Self-discipline, the ability to quickly and efficiently complete projects and assignments in a timely manner; Responsibility, initiative; Experience in developing business plans, knowledge of the program Alt-Invest. Driving license of B category.

Higher education

Kazan State Finance and Economics Institute (since 2011 as a part of KFU), Kazan
Finance and credit, Banking sector, Qualification: economist in "Finance and Credit"
Ufa College of Finance and Economics, branch of Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation
Finance and credit, Finance and Law, Qualifications: financier with in-depth training in the direction of the legal regulation of financial and business activities



EnglishC1 — Advanced

Tests, examinations

F1 (Accountant in Business), F2 (Management Accounting), F3 (Financial Accounting), ACCA F4 (Corporate and Business Law), F5 (Performance Management)
ACCA, Accountant / Auditor
“Proforinetation” test results view results

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Up to one hour