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Male, 50 years, born on 29 April 1974

Australia, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

Director, Projects Manager

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 18 years 9 months

July 2013June 2016
3 years


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

UNAPRO, a boutique Construction, Contracting, Engineering & Project Management Consultancy Firm established in 2013 to provide specialized engineering management consultancy services for Buildings (Public, Residential, Commercial, Hotel) Construction and Mixed Use Property Development and Property Investment Projects, Oil, Gas & Energy Projects, Pipelines (oil & gas / water/ wastewater / storm water), Infrastructure (tunnels, waste water & storm water treatment plants, marine structures), Industrial Buildings / Manufacturing Plants Construction Fields.
April 2014April 2015
1 year 1 month

Serbia, www.azmont.com

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Executive Director
Property Development (Design, Procurement, Construction) of Portonovi Touristic Complex on ~34 ha area consisting of • One&Only Resort Hotel complex – 180 hotel beds, Europe’s biggest Henri Chenot Spa, 10 beachfront hotel bungalows/villas, 10 branded villas managed by Hotel Operator Kerzner International, • 220 Berth Capacity Marina & Yacht Club construction and shoreline works (total ~9 ha sea area) • Marina & fisherman wharf commercial spaces including cafes, restaurants, retail shops, squares, • Lower, Middle, Upper Villages and Western Villas area with total 220 apartment units, 20 townhouses, 30 Villas in total ~140K m2 gross buildable area • All related earthworks, land & sea UXO clearance, site remediation, coastal rehabilitation, ground improvement (Piling, Stabilization) works • All Infrastructure & Utility System works (road works, storm water drainage, clean water supply, sewage system, heating & A/C systems, electricity supply, communication supply, internal roads) • All landscaping & related irrigation system works Investment budget: €600million + Achievements:  After replacing previous Executive Director, taking over a project with €42 million expenditure but only 2% overall progress in 2.5 years, 37% progress achieved in one year by spending only €30 million  After several financial, engineering, contract audits and value engineering performed, overall net €27 million savings achieved through successful engineering and negotiation process with stakeholders  Successful tendering process managed for architectural & engineering design, early works, ground improvement, main contract, transformed an idle and faltering project, put back into track  Due to successful media and public relations campaign a project in “misery” financed by Azerbaijan Government in Montenegro changed to a success story supported by success in operations, construction, management
April 2011April 2013
2 years 1 month
UNAOIL Group of Companies - UnaE&C Co.Ltd.


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Senior Projects manager
Snr. Project Manager  Reporting to Vice President of Projects While ICOEEP project was managed directly, Nasiriyah Pump Station FMC and lately awarded 3x27MW power plant projects were planned & initiated, assigned to Jnr. Project Managers who were supervised, mentored, supported ongoing basis. ICOEEP (Iraq Crude Oil Export Expansion Project) 2x48" Onshore Piping, FAO & BVS Terminals Latest Contract Price with VOs: US$141 million Client: Leighton Offshore Consultant: Foster Wheeler, Ultimate Client: Southern Oil Company- Iraq Construction of 2x48" oil pipeline -piping and SCADA system together with all civil works including earthworks, pipe & road crossings-, FAO Terminal which consists of all ground improvement works -~ 18,000 RC driven piles and ~30,000m3 special limestone backfilling-, Main Electrical Substation, custom made Metering & sampling skids, Instrument Air System, Diesel Power Generation System with Diesel Tank, Pig Receiver & Launcher System, Closed Drain System, Oily Water Separation System, Transformer System, Beach Valve Station (BVS) where pipeline enters into see which consists of Electrical Substation, Solar Power System, Sea defence system. Scope basically included all civil EPC (geotechnical, earthworks, structural concrete and steel works, building, road works with all Civil& Structural and MEP systems), E&I and electro-mechanical systems installation and Commissioning of all systems. Additionally building a turnkey 400 man Camp for US$ 4.5million and running for the client to serve all project stakeholders including Leighton Offshore and Foster Wheeler management team on site Nasiriyah Oil Field Degassing Station Pumping System EPC Contract Contract Price: US$15 million Client: Southern Oil Company (SOC) Iraq Turnkey installation of 3x Main & Booster Pumps with 25000bpd capacity with all civil works, Pumps Station building construction , all Piping, MEP and E&I works for Pump Station Building & Compound FMC Gas Metering Systems Project @ North Rumailah, South Rumailah, Zubair, Nahr Bin Ommar Contract Price: US$2 million Client: FMC Technologies-US & Southern Oil Company of Iraq Turnkey Installation & commissioning of 36 Metering & Analyser Skids & 15 Control Room manufactured by FMC for SOC Business Development - Proposals/Bid Manager • 3x 27 MWatt Gas Turbine Power Generators EPC Contract - South Oil Company of Iraq, $85 million USD (awarded) • 3x Crude Oil Pumping Station (Tuba, PS1, Zubair) EPC Contract -South Oil Company of Iraq, $178 million USD • Zubair Oil Field Gas Compressor Station EPC Contract Client: South Oil Company of Iraq, $62 million USD • Zubair –FAO/1 18” Gas Pipeline EPC Contract Client: South Oil Company of Iraq, $109 million USD • Zubair -Iraq Early Oil Field Development Civil Works Client: ENI & Rosetti Marino, $32 million USD • Nasiriyah Refinery Project138x Diff. Size & Type Oil Storage tanks EPC Contract , LUKOIL-Technip-Belleli $220+million USD • 2x 26 MWatt Gas Turbine Power Generators Construction Contract SHELL-ABB Spa $40 million USD (partial award) Achievements:  Successfully managed the projects and assignments with high work quality, on time, to the budget; added value to a relatively young organisation like UNAE&C, contributed growth of it by taking over and finishing a operationally & financially faltering project as 4th Project Manager in midway like ICOEEP which was key to success of the group. Successful orchestration of Construction, Operations and Financial Management brought this critical & important project for Iraqi government to increase exports and revenues back to track and led to completion.  Choice of specialized and highly skilled carbon steel, GRE Piping subcontractors, high quality management practice of piping process, successful heavy lifting team, heavy lift plans and practice of pipe spools, metering skids, and other heavy equipment such as pump skids and process equipment without any damage, delay were other key success factors ensured completion of the project,  Very successful contract administration, claim management practice helped UNAOIL to win a court arbitration case with ICOEEP, Employer Leighton Offshore in an amount of US$46 million compensation for additional works (ground improvement) performed.
June 2008February 2011
2 years 9 months
Penta-Ocean Co. Japan

Singapore, www.penta-ocean.co.jp

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Quality & Engineering Manager
Executive Manager - Quality & Engineering Exxon-Mobil Chemical Refinery SPT Projects: ICT (Interconnect & Tankage), UMC (Utilities Main Civil Works), ORP (Olefins Recovery Plant) Construction for Foster Wheeler & Worley Parsons JV, SHAW Stone & Webster Asia,Inc Contracts Price: $260 million SGD 4000+ Micropiling (incl. design), 3000+ Bored & RC Driven Piles, Soil Stabilization Works, +150 000m3 Earthworks, 30000m3 Equipment & Tank Foundations -RC Concrete-, +8500 m Carbon Steel Piping (+4500 weld joints), +5000m GRP Piping, CLSM applications, +7000 lm Stormwater Drainage with +800 manholes & catch basins, Metal Works, +15km Asphalt Roadwork, Various Precast Concrete Applications, Cast-In-situ & Precast Concrete Pipe rack Construction, 3x Waste Water Treatment Units, Marine (SWI) Structure Building , 4x Substations Buildings (Civil, Architectural, Electrical, Mechanical, Fire Alarm Systems), +750T Steel Structures, Pavings, Special Concrete Structures NEWater Infrastructure Plan Extension C4 Project for Singapore Government PUB (Public Utilities Board), Contract Price: $170 million SGD Design and Construction of 3500m long Underground & Undersea 6m dia wide tunnelling by Custom-Ordered Tunnel Boring Machine, +5000m long 1200-2200mm dia steel piping, related Steel Structure, grouting and required Electrical & Communication, Automation Works, Tunnel Launching Shafts, Pipe Jacking Works, open cut excavation & piping on land side, 9x Concrete Shafts, Chambers, Bakau & Micropiles, relevant Soil Improvement Works, all temporary HVAC, slurry waste treatment, instrumentation & monitoring works International Cruise Terminal Marine & Infrastructure Works Project for Singapore Tourism Board, by Penta-Ocean Construction – TOA Corporation - McConnell Dowell Joint Venture Contract Price: $345 million SGD Design and Construction of Marine Structures -1km long Current Training Wall, piling works, 2 x berths, Terminal Deck, Car Park Deck, Mooring Dolphins, Vertical Sea Walls-, Sea bed dredging & Improvement -Sand Replacement-, Reclamation Works, Slope Revetment Works along shoreline of reclamation borders, access road works.  Reporting to The Projects Director, General Manager - Singapore  Managing EM SPT Project and mentoring other projects' quality managers  Design & Implementation & Monitoring of Integrated Management System (IMS) throughout the projects  Project Stakeholders Management on Engineering & Quality Issues  Project Specific Quality Assurance / Quality Control Management including assurance of Engineering Design compliance to Technical Specs,  Supplier & Subcontractor Audits Planning, Execution, Control  On-site & off-site material & engineering control & testing,  day-to-day site works’ inspections by teams of inspectors (Civil, M&E, Piping, Structural Steel, Welding )  Training & Managing Company Internal Audit Teams as Lead Company Auditor of Management Systems  Initiation & Management of Six Sigma Continuous Process Improvement Projects to reduce wastage & rework costs, increase customer satisfaction by reducing number of NCRs, CARs, QOR Achievements:  Concurrent Management of 5 separate Contracts in 3 Major Projects to meet project quality requirements without having any non-conformity delaying the project completion dates  Planning & Control & Audit & Inspection of all Suppliers & Subcontractors under each project engineering & construction quality assurance programme. Leading organization wide processes excellence & continuous improvement efforts.  Development and successfully execution of Project Engineering & Quality Management Plans for all the projects  Quality Control (Testing) of Works incl. Piling (Various type of Load Tests, PDA, PITs), Concrete, Structural Steel, Backfilling, sea bed dredging(upheaval & basin), reclamation(Dynamic Compaction, PVD installation, vibro-floatation), soil instrumentation, asphalt roadwork, piping (carbon steel & GRP), water retaining structures, Electrical & HVAC systems  Active Contribution to Company ISO9000, ISO14000, OHSAS18001 recertification by setting up Internal Audit Teams, Training Internal Auditors, Managing them through Company Project Audits as Lead Auditor  Initiation & Management of first Six-Sigma Project (Concrete Defects Reduction) within Organisation  Planning & Execution of Project Specific Supervisory Training Programs  Leading & Management of Corporate Integrated Management System Audit Process  Initiation of Corporate Knowledge Management & Risk Management System Projects
September 2006June 2008
1 year 10 months
RailCorp NSW Australia


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Projects manager
Project Manager Contracts Value: +18 million AUD  Reporting to Project Sponsors, Program Manager Various Asset Upgrade and New Built Projects from concept stage to commissioning:  Canopy Installations-Package#5 (8 stations ) Developm.+ Design +Construct.  Macquarie Fields Station Upgrade & Platform Extension Design + Construct.  Booking Office Upgrades (13 stations) Development  Roofing Upgrades (Caringbah &Wiley Park) Developm.+ Design  Structural & Systems Upgrade (Multistorey Commuter Car Park) Developm.+ Design  Fire Management System Projects Developm.+ Design  Macquarie Fields Cross fall Rectification & Platform Works Design + Construct.  Canopy Installations-Package# 6 (14 stations) Development Achievements:  Accomplished various projects by developing within organisation, securing funding, tendering –the tender documents drafting including technical specifications, advertising, pretender meetings, tender evaluation-, design management, construction management, contract administration, project management of the projects  Achieved concurrent management, coordination of 9 different projects in different stages & scopes, over 20 different sites in construction stage, over 5 different principal contractors, designers, project architects, consultants  Delivered projects on time, within budgets in a highly bureaucratic system, and in a fragmented corporate culture formed in a multi-stakeholder environment
July 2005July 2006
1 year 1 month
COPAWater Pty.Ltd., CDS Technologies
Projects manager
Sydney Water SEIP-Gross Pollutant Trap (GPT) Units’ Design& Construction Projects -3 Sites Hydraulic & Structural design management and construction management of the sites. Specifically,  Coordination of design and construction  Work Planning, Scheduling and Tracking  Preparation of Project & Site Specific Safety Management and Quality Assurance Plans  Project Management, contract administration, construction management  Liaison with client (CH2Hill & Barclay Mowlem Consortium)  Coordination, Direction, supervision of subcontractors Consultant Engineer Contract Value: 7.22 million AUD WA Albany - Waste Water Treatment Plant Construction Project  Overall Engineering Supervision  Project Quality Plan Drafting & Updates, Implementing Site Quality Management System  Carrying Quality Audits, Observations, Preparation of ITPs for different work packages of the Project  Ensuring Supply Chain (Vendors & Subbies) alignment with Quality Assurance & Quality Control System   Achievements:  Concurrent management, coordination of three sites which have different designs & components  Construction of first X-wave Screen Technology used GPT in Australia in Wiley Park  Construction of first low head design GPT unit in Australia in Lidcombe.  Crisis Management after Major Subcontractor’s insolvency & liquidation
December 2003December 2004
1 year 1 month
BELDA Construction Ltd.Co.
Projects manager
 Reporting to General Manager  Ashgabat State Drama Theatre Building Project for Bouygues Batiment-France International  Kipthcak Mosque & Mausoleum Project- for Bouygues Batiment-France International  Turkmenbashy Refinery, New Diesel Hydro-Treatment Plant Construction Project- for GAMA Corporation*& TECHNIP JVC Achievements:  Drama Theatre Project completed in 7 months, 5 months ahead of the plan with 25% savings  Professional preparation, tracking of Project Schedule detailed into 3500+ activities for three projects  Mosque& Mausoleum Project completed in 12 months, 4 months ahead of the plan  Refinery Project completed on time within contract duration 10 months and within budget in spite of significant scope increase accompanied with 30% revenue increase by exceptional risk management  Refinery project was qualified as the best quality project ever done in GAMA-TECHNIP JV Project Portfolio. BELDA was awarded a new project by TECHNIP
July 2001May 2002
11 months

Novomoskovsk (Tula Oblast), www.rencons.com

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Project Controls & Contracts Manager
 Reporting to Project Manager KNAUF Gypsum Plasterboard Plant Construction Project for Gips KNAUF GMBH-Germany  Contracts & Commercial Management of Client and Subcontractors  Cost Management through Cost Control and value engineering exercises  Finance-Cash Flow & Budget Planning, P/L Management of Project  Procurement & Site Warehouse Management  Project Controls, Planning, Scheduling & Tracking Site Reporting to Senior Management Achievements:  Completed in 10 months, 4 months ahead of the plan within budget, with 35% more profit than planned.  Cost management practice by designing Wintertime Measures Plan and Value engineering saved company 35% over actual plan during the harshest winter (Avg.temp.-30°C) in last 40 years  Professional preparation, tracking & daily management of Project Schedule detailed into 1000+ activities.
January 2001July 2001
7 months
TUGAL Environmental Technologies
Construction Site Manager
 Reporting to Project Manager Izmit Gulf, Kullar Region WWT Plant Construction Project - all civil structural works incl. primary & final settling tanks, aeration tanks, gravity filter & chlorine contact tanks, control building, pumping building and all R/C piping. 65 000 m2 construction area, 25 000 m3 concrete works. Avg. 100-120 workers. Client: ALARKO-E.M.I.T Joint Venture Total Project Cost: 65 million Euro Achievements:  managed project completion with two weeks delay and a modest profit in comparison with initial 40% physical progress in 55% of duration completion -12 months- respectively with significant, negative cost and schedule variances.  Special circular formwork design, erection methodology and scheduling for 6 pcs.x40m dia. aeration tanks saved 8 weeks and eliminated liquidated damages risks.
June 1997September 2000
3 years 4 months
KORAY Construction Industry A.Ş.

Moscow, www.koray.com.tr

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Project engineer
The Restoration& Renovation of The R.F. ACCOUNTING CHAMBER BUILDING  Reporting to Project Manager  Quantity Surveying, Cost Estimating, Work Planning & Scheduling, Cost Control  Contracts Management, Tender Preparation, Site Supervision  QA-Material Compliance Certification for Russian Standards & Regulations, QC-Testing Management Achievements:  Resolved a long lasting (~5months) Material Compliance Certification issue impeding the overall project progress by negotiation & conflict resolution skills through tough Russian Bureaucracy  professional preparation, daily tracking& management of Pe3 work programme, detailed into 1200+ activities
July 1996June 1997
1 year
BAYTUR Construction& Contracting Co.


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Project engineer
ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Certification Project
March 1995July 1996
1 year 5 months
RS GIS & Engineering Ltd. Co.


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

System Analyst, GIS Specialist
System Analyst- GIS Specialist  Ankara Land Information System Project  Bursa, Eskişehir, Konya Metropolitans Electricity Distribution System AM/FM/GIS Project  Water Reservoir Management System Project for Ankara City Municipality


Skill proficiency levels
Construction Project Management
Commercial & Financial Management
Business Development
Business Management
Supply Chain Management
Contracts Performance Management
Claims Management
Quality Management
HR Management
Marketing & Sales
Business Strategy
Strategic Marketing
Strategic Management
Operations Management
Property Development
Property Investment
Urban Regeneration & Transformation
Risk management
Risks assessment
Six Sigma
Lead Auditor
Engineering Management
Project Planning & Control
Cost Control & Management
Oil And Gas
wind energy
solar energy

About me

I have 20+ years of international experience as engineer, project manager, project director and lately executive / managing director roles in various organizations and fields of construction and services industry including buildings (industrial, public, residential, commercial, hotels), oil & gas, energy (pipelines, pump stations, power stations, E&I, storage tanks), power, infrastructure (tunnels, water treatment plants, marine structures etc.), manufacturing plants construction, mixed use property development & investment. Lately, acting as Managing / Projects Director of a boutique firm UNAPRO Co. providing specialized project management services in Buildings Construction (Public, Residential, Commercial, Hotel), Mixed Use Property Development & Investment Projects, Oil, Gas & Energy Projects, Pipelines, Infrastructure (tunnels, water treatment plants, marine structures) projects, Industrial Buildings / Manufacturing Plants Construction Fields. Previously, acting as Executive Director of PORTONOVI Project, in Montenegro, a mixed use property development project, the biggest one in terms of scale and investment value in Europe, in 2014. Apart from overall business development & business management strengths of mine, my professional strengths in Construction Project Management, Commercial & Financial Management, Architectural & Engineering Design Development, Engineering & Quality Management, Procurement & Supply Chain Management make difference in terms of adding value to the organizations which I used to work for. I am willing to continue my career in executive, project director, senior project manager, or relevant senior managerial roles in established organizations.

Higher education (master)

Macquarie University
Graduate School of Management, MBA
Middle East Technical University
Engineering Faculty, Civil Engineering



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

RussianB2 — Upper Intermediate

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Australia, Turkey

Permission to work: Australia, Turkey

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter