Penta-Ocean Co. Japan
Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more
Quality & Engineering Manager
Executive Manager - Quality & Engineering
Exxon-Mobil Chemical Refinery SPT Projects: ICT (Interconnect & Tankage), UMC (Utilities Main Civil Works), ORP (Olefins Recovery Plant) Construction for Foster Wheeler & Worley Parsons JV, SHAW Stone & Webster Asia,Inc
Contracts Price: $260 million SGD
4000+ Micropiling (incl. design), 3000+ Bored & RC Driven Piles, Soil Stabilization Works, +150 000m3 Earthworks, 30000m3 Equipment & Tank Foundations -RC Concrete-, +8500 m Carbon Steel Piping (+4500 weld joints), +5000m GRP Piping, CLSM applications, +7000 lm Stormwater Drainage with +800 manholes & catch basins, Metal Works, +15km Asphalt Roadwork, Various Precast Concrete Applications, Cast-In-situ & Precast Concrete Pipe rack Construction, 3x Waste Water Treatment Units, Marine (SWI) Structure Building , 4x Substations Buildings (Civil, Architectural, Electrical, Mechanical, Fire Alarm Systems), +750T Steel Structures, Pavings, Special Concrete Structures
NEWater Infrastructure Plan Extension C4 Project for Singapore Government PUB (Public Utilities Board),
Contract Price: $170 million SGD
Design and Construction of 3500m long Underground & Undersea 6m dia wide tunnelling by Custom-Ordered Tunnel Boring Machine, +5000m long 1200-2200mm dia steel piping, related Steel Structure, grouting and required Electrical & Communication, Automation Works, Tunnel Launching Shafts, Pipe Jacking Works, open cut excavation & piping on land side, 9x Concrete Shafts, Chambers, Bakau & Micropiles, relevant Soil Improvement Works, all temporary HVAC, slurry waste treatment, instrumentation & monitoring works
International Cruise Terminal Marine & Infrastructure Works Project for Singapore Tourism Board,
by Penta-Ocean Construction – TOA Corporation - McConnell Dowell Joint Venture
Contract Price: $345 million SGD
Design and Construction of Marine Structures -1km long Current Training Wall, piling works, 2 x berths, Terminal Deck, Car Park Deck, Mooring Dolphins, Vertical Sea Walls-, Sea bed dredging & Improvement -Sand Replacement-, Reclamation Works, Slope Revetment Works along shoreline of reclamation borders, access road works.
Reporting to The Projects Director, General Manager - Singapore
Managing EM SPT Project and mentoring other projects' quality managers
Design & Implementation & Monitoring of Integrated Management System (IMS) throughout the projects
Project Stakeholders Management on Engineering & Quality Issues
Project Specific Quality Assurance / Quality Control Management including assurance of Engineering Design compliance to Technical Specs,
Supplier & Subcontractor Audits Planning, Execution, Control
On-site & off-site material & engineering control & testing,
day-to-day site works’ inspections by teams of inspectors (Civil, M&E, Piping, Structural Steel, Welding )
Training & Managing Company Internal Audit Teams as Lead Company Auditor of Management Systems
Initiation & Management of Six Sigma Continuous Process Improvement Projects to reduce wastage & rework costs, increase customer satisfaction by reducing number of NCRs, CARs, QOR
Concurrent Management of 5 separate Contracts in 3 Major Projects to meet project quality requirements without having any non-conformity delaying the project completion dates
Planning & Control & Audit & Inspection of all Suppliers & Subcontractors under each project engineering & construction quality assurance programme. Leading organization wide processes excellence & continuous improvement efforts.
Development and successfully execution of Project Engineering & Quality Management Plans for all the projects
Quality Control (Testing) of Works incl. Piling (Various type of Load Tests, PDA, PITs), Concrete, Structural Steel, Backfilling, sea bed dredging(upheaval & basin), reclamation(Dynamic Compaction, PVD installation, vibro-floatation), soil instrumentation, asphalt roadwork, piping (carbon steel & GRP), water retaining structures, Electrical & HVAC systems
Active Contribution to Company ISO9000, ISO14000, OHSAS18001 recertification by setting up Internal Audit Teams, Training Internal Auditors, Managing them through Company Project Audits as Lead Auditor
Initiation & Management of first Six-Sigma Project (Concrete Defects Reduction) within Organisation
Planning & Execution of Project Specific Supervisory Training Programs
Leading & Management of Corporate Integrated Management System Audit Process
Initiation of Corporate Knowledge Management & Risk Management System Projects